What can Palmistry teach us about ourselves?

Most people have heard of Palmistry but not many would know what they could learn from a palm reading.

To find out what you could learn from a palm reading I've written the following short articles on life topics that many of my clients most often want to know about.


Most of us want to love and to be loved but sometimes it can be a struggle to find that special person. Then, when we are in a relationship we can sometimes find it hard to keep the happiness we felt at the beginning. In this article I explore what Palmistry can tell you about your love and relationships.

Love - The Heart Line

The Heart Line is the window to our passion and the way we express our sexuality and love style.
Where will you find your Heart Line? – It begins at the outside edge of the hand under your little finger, then runs across the top of the hand and can finish under the middle or index finger or somewhere in between. A long Heart Line which extends to the outer edge of the index finger, means intense passion or one red hot lover! There are many styles of Heart Lines...
  • Long and curved – Warm, emotional and affectionate
  • Long and straight – Idealistic, self-sacrificing
  • Short and curved – Direct, self-centred, suppress feelings
  • Short and straight – Cool, thoughtful but quiet
The key to understanding most matters of Love and Sex lies in the Heart Line. The Heart Line reveals our likes and dislikes and our expectations.

Love - Relationship Lines

Previously referred to by Palmists as ‘Marriage Lines’ but in today’s society there is a widened meaning to relationships and unions that don’t necessarily end in marriage. Relationship Lines are found at the base of your little finger (running from the side of the palm) you will see small horizontal lines, these are relationship lines.

It is important to understand that they can change in appearance over time depending on the relationship. They will fade as the relationship dissolves or the desire grows weaker. When a relationship or union is about to begin the line will deepen in colour and be quite prominent.

There can be multiple lines, for example I was married in my early 20’s and the Marriage line that is closest to my heart line and has now gotten very faint. A second marriage line (in my late 20’s) and father to my two children, is fading slowly. My current partner of 12 years (last line closest the base of my little finger) is deep and very prominent.

Do not be alarmed if your partner does not show any lines, it may just mean they are very casual about romance and commitment.

Holding Hands The mount on your palm which is most important in the study of love and relationships is the Mount of Venus (Mount of Passion).

This mount should be neither too hard nor too soft but firm to touch. If your partner/ life partner displays a full well-rounded Mount of Venus characteristic in their palm they will be loving, passionate, caring and generous.

The Mount of Venus is found at the base of the thumb (also known as the ball of the thumb). It stores your:
  • Libido
  • Life force
  • Vitality
  • Sensuality

Wealth and Success is something many people yearn for and dream of. Often when someone is successful they are also wealthy so wealth and success often happen together. However success can happen without financial wealth and conversely wealth can happen without success. For this reason we look at wealth and success separately when analysing the hands.

Depending where you come from in the world, success can be as simple as having a job and somewhere to live. We should always be careful when we search for our success, it's often the perceived level of success that we may be chasing. For most of us wealth comes about through our own hard work, but for some it can be inherited or even won (through good luck).

Hands that are well padded belong to people who are prepared to work hard for their living, whereas soft and more delicate hands enjoy the good life without having to work as physically hard to achieve it.

There are several lines and markings that represent wealth and success. The ‘Star’ marker is perhaps the most important marker of luck and good fortune - however this only applies when the 'Star' marker is found on the upper mounts of Jupiter, Apollo and Mercury and at the top of the Fate or Career line and at any point along the Apollo line.

It takes an experienced Hand Analysis expert to be able to read these markers correctly.

A star on the Mount of Jupiter

Gold Bars A star on the Jupiter mount is one of the most significant stars for many people - it indicates not only a successful life but financial success as well. Success can come suddenly to this person and they will be very successful in their chosen career. A person with this star has been blessed with good luck.

A star on the Mount of Apollo

Road to success road sign This star is found on a person with a strong creative streak such as an artist or actor. This strong creative streak shouldn't be confused with a person's natural creativity. The presence of this mark shows talents way beyond that to the extent that the person will be (if they are not already) wealthy and famous.

A star on the Apollo line

This star also represents success but the presence of this star has a very exciting additional facet - the success will occur due to a very specific event. This may be due to a lottery win or similar. How the Apollo line grows from the star denotes the level of happiness that follows the event.

For many of us family can be one of the most important things in our lives, bringing, comfort, support and happiness. For others family can be a source of frustration or worse. So much of the way we are comes from our family and our upbringing. Characteristics are passed down from one generation to the next and yet we sometimes we feel we don't fit in.

Whatever family means to you, whether it brings you joy or unhappiness, family represents our roots, it's where we come from.

Family - The little or Mercury Finger

A family standing by the ocean A low set Mercury Finger reveals –
  • That you’ve had a severe problem with one or both of your parents during your childhood and beyond.
  • A low set pattern develops in early years when something is amiss between the parents and their children.
A short Mercury Finger reveals -
  • Immature behaviour which also brings the following positive aspect,
  • it is not uncommon to remain younger looking than their actual age throughout their lives.
A long Mercury Finger reveals -
  • You can be dominant
  • You are an excellent communicator
  • You are a quick thinker
  • You are curious
  • You are quick witted.

Family – The Relative / In-law Influence Line

A heart symbol hanging at home The Relative or In-law Influence is often found travelling across the middle of your Mount of Venus at the base of the thumb. (You can read more about the Mount of Venus in my article on Love).
It indicates you are deeply connected to family and home life and often worry about this excessively. It will often indicate sacrifice for love in a romantic way or in family life.
Hand Analysis (as opposed to Palm Reading) can be useful when you are seeking a career that is right for you. Your hands describe your mental aptitude and talents. An expert in hand analysis can read what sort of hands you have.

Earth Hands

Hands holding a seedling Earth handed people are best suited to outdoor occupations. They are industrious workers who are good with their hands and practical skills. They are loyal, very productive and dependable.

Air Hands

A Nurse For Air handed people their strength is found in their communication abilities. They are often found working with computers, IT, Medical, Electronics, Analyst roles or Education.

Fire Hands

A Movies director with a camera Fire hand people are leaders and organisers. They like to be in control of situations and thrive on challenge and adventure. They work well under stress. With a strong creative passion, they are often found in the world of entertainment and performing arts. They are physically super-dynamic and always on the go.

Water Hands

A therapist giving a massage Water Hand people are sensitive, calm and exceptional good listeners. So caring professions such as therapists (in the traditional or holistic fields) are excellent choices. They would be equally happy as poets, designers and any profession in the field of the arts.